PM Directory Enforcer - Ver. 2.3 PM Directory Enforcer is a 32 bit, multi-threaded application for OS/2 2.0 or above. This program displays the results of a comparison between two directories. It can then be used to perform various functions on the files within those directories. This program is FreeWare and may be distributed freely as long as all files remain packaged together: PMDirEnf.exe - Executable code. PMDirEnf.hlp - Online help. PMDirEnf.txt - This file. PMDE.cmd - Command file to ease command line invocation. file_id.diz - Standard description file. PM Directory Enforcer is supported through the OS2BVEN forum on Compuserve and through the following addresses: Coolware PO Box 18863 Atlanta, GA 31126 CIS: 76500,2557 Internet: ================== INSTALLATION ========================================== Step1 - Copy PMDirEnf.exe to a directory that you use to store programs or to it's own directory. Step2 - Copy PMDirEnf.hlp to a directory that is listed in the HELP variable in your CONFIG.SYS or add the new directory for PMDirEnf to your CONFIG.SYS HELP var Step3 - Add a program entry to any of your folders for PMDirEnf.exe. The only required program setting is the Path and file name field for PMDirEnf.exe. Alternately, you can just start PMDirEnf.exe to get a feel for the program. ================== DISCLAIMER ============================================ The PM Directory Enforcer program and all accompanying documentation and examples are provided on an "AS IS" basis. This means that Coolware does not warrant, guarantee, or make any other representations regarding the use, or results of use, of PM Directory Enforcer or the documentation in terms of accuracy, reliability, correctness, currentness, or otherwise. Coolware will not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or otherwise arising from the use or inability to use PM Directory Enforcer, even if Coolware has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The use of this product is on an "AT YOUR OWN RISK" basis.